Restoring the Carbon Budget – Policies and Financing Options from Security & Sustainability Forum on Vimeo.
Restoring the CarbonBalance Slides.
Aired on 5/11/2017
The webinar series, Restoring the Carbon Balance, SSF is producing with LightWorks at Arizona State University, is about taking research steps now to have technologies commercially available in the next decade or so, which can cost-effectively extract residual carbon from the air. According to the International Panel on Climate Change, that is what it will take to avoid the worst climate disruptions.
In webinar 1 of the series we addressed the imperative to hold CO2 levels to below 450 PPM to mitigate the risk of severe climate impacts. Webinar 2 reviewed carbon removal, storage and utilization technologies and their status of development. Click the slides to watch the recordings.
Webinar 3 examined policies, political approaches and funding options that can facilitate investment in RD&D needed to accelerate the pace of commercialization of carbon removal, storage and utilization technologies.
Panelists include:
Andy Revkin is the senior reporter for climate and related issues at ProPublica. He joined the Independent public-interest newsroom in December 2016, after 21 years of writing for The New York Times. Andy began writing on climate change in the 1980s. He has won most of the top awards in science journalism, along with a Guggenheim Fellowship, Columbia University’s John Chancellor Award for sustained journalistic excellence and an Investigative Reporters & Editors Award.
Klaus Lackner
Klaus Lackner Director of the Center for Negative Emissions at ASU who will paint a pictureabout how the future global landscape could look if technologies are developed to scale
Noah Deich
Noah Deich Director of the Center for Carbon Removal will examine regulatory and policy barriers and opportunities to provide incentives for investment in carbon management technologies.
from the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions who will discuss her recent work on financing opportunities and policy development for energy technologies, including carbon capture, use, and storage (CCUS)
Richard Mattison is the CEO of Trucost. Richard is an expert in sustainable finance and will discuss how business and the investment community integrates climate change and natural capital analysis into their decision making.
If you missed the first two webinars in this series ….
Restoring the Carbon Balance Webinar 1:
The Imperative
In webinar 1 of the series we addressed the imperative to hold CO2 levels to below 450 PPM to mitigate the risk of severe climate impacts.
Restoring the Carbon Balance Webinar 2:
Webinar 2 reviewed carbon removal, storage and the utilization technologies and their status of development. Click the slides to watch the recordings.