SSF Master Classes
Master Classes Give You the Banana w/o the Peel
The Security and Sustainability Forum is developing master classes for professionals seeking to expand their knowledge of important sustainability topics, such as financing resilience, using big data to answer sustainability questions, science communication techniques, food security, energy project finance, revitalizing distressed communities and others. Participants get tips and approaches they can use immediately.
Taught by leading practitioners, the courses are only two or three hours and teach participants concepts and tools to be better practitioners, advisors, and decision-makers. Participants take a quiz to receive an SSF Certificate of Completion.
SSF Master Classes boil down the essence of longer, more expensive professional education courses to give you the most critical concepts for less than $100. Essentially, you pay for the banana and not the peel.
One class is open for registration now and others are under development.

Master Class: How to Finance America’s Climate Changed Future

“How to Finance America’s Climate Changed Future,” a 21/4 hour recorded class taught by Joyce Coffee, President of Climate Resilience Consulting. Read about Joyce.
The course is designed for municipal officials, educators, consultants, developers and anyone interested in how funding can be identified and structured for infrastructure investments that will help communities adapt to extreme weather effects and other impacts of climate change. Joyce taught the class live online in March 2019 and the recording is being offered for streaming for $79, which is 20% off the price of the live class. Watch a 3-minute clip of Joyce discussing one topic covered in the training. You get unlimited access to the video, which includes an interactive table of contents to skip around the session, a reference list and other collateral material.
“I built a better understanding of investment vehicles — my experience is the public sector, so this was informative — linked to a sense of the possibilities for leveraging these good inspiration.”
The course is designed for municipal officials, educators, consultants, developers, and anyone interested in how funding can be identified and structured for infrastructure investments that will help communities adapt to extreme weather effects and other impacts of climate change. Joyce taught the class live online in March 2019 and the recording is being offered for streaming for $79, which is 20% off the price of the live class. You get unlimited access to the 2 1/4 hour video. You get unlimited access to the video, which includes an interactive table of contents to skip around the session, a reference list and other collateral material.
In this class, Joyce teaches about:
The financial market mechanisms that can increase funding and finance for resilience projects — like credit ratings, liability, risk guidelines and the availability of big data.
The key elements to increase the bankability of resilience projects, including through taxes and fees.
How different bond types work to fund resilience, including general obligation bonds, green bonds, and insurance-linked securities.
The class includes examples of successful U.S. resilience projects that have earned funding and/or finance and are being constructed. “I have a better understanding of financial flows (money in/money out). Tips on identifying funding sources. And the use of big data to describe and measure project outcomes.”