Current Global Outlook on Planet Earth

-A race against time – Thursday, May 12, 2022, EDT – 12:30 to 2:00 PM EDT

Karim Ahmed 2.pngClimate change, biodiversity loss, and global water scarcity, a triple existential threat, looms over our planet. By allowing business-as-usual to be our current default option, the human race is running out of time to address this grave global crisis.

For over five decades, Dr. Karim Ahmed has been at the forefront of planetary health science and policy. In this 90-minute lecture, Dr. Ahmed presents the data and insights on how we arrived at this unprecedented moment in human history in an accessible educational format.  

Dr. Ahmed discusses what must be done urgently to disrupt the current path and will give particular attention to the globalized economy where large inequities between rich and poor continue to rise to a societal breaking point.

Dr. Ahmed is a co-founder of  Global Council for Science and the Environment (GCSE) and advisor to the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Energy, National Institutes of Health, National Academy of Sciences, National Science Foundation, United Nations Environment Programme, United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development, World Health Organization, and the World Bank. 

Michelle Wymann.jpgGCSE Executive Director, Michelle Wyman, will facilitate the session and field questions from the audience.