Healthy Cities in an Era of Climate Change from Security & Sustainability Forum on Vimeo.
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Originally aired on 9/19/2016
“Climate change is the biggest global health threat of the 21st century,” according to the Lancet Commission on Health and Climate Change.
But here’s the good news.
The same Commission concluded that “Tackling climate change could be the greatest global health opportunity of the 21st century.” Indeed, many of the actions we must take to mitigate climate change-reducing fossil fuel use; promoting walkable, bikeable cities; supporting sustainable, local agriculture-offer significant benefits for public health.
See SSF, Island Press and the Urban Resilience Project for a webinar explored the possibilities for “win-win” solutions to climate change and health.
Panelists include:

Gary Cohen
Health Care Without Harm
Gary Cohen has been a pioneer in the environmental health movement for thirty years. He is president and co-founder of Health Care Without Harm and Practice Greenhealth, and he was instrumental in bringing together the NGOs and hospital systems that formed the Healthier Hospitals Initiative. A McArthur Fellow, Gary has been recognized by the White House, Skoll Foundation, and Huffington Post for his efforts to transform the health sector to become environmentally sustainable.

Linda Rudolph
Public Health Institute
Linda Rudolph was the founding chair of the California Health in All Policies Task Force, and of the California Climate Action Team Public Health Work Group. Linda has also served as health officer and public health director for the city of Berkeley, and chief medical officer for Medi-Cal Managed Care. She is board certified in occupational medicine, and her first public health job was with a labor union that represented oil, chemical, and atomic workers.

Cecil Corbin-Mark
We Act
Cecil Corbin-Mark has represented WE ACT and environmental justice interests for more than a decade. He is a leader in the climate arena. He was instrumental in the formation of the Environmental Justice Leadership Forum, and oversees WE ACT’s federal policy office and Environmental Justice Leadership Forum convenings. In the face of the assault on the EPA’s authority to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act, Mr. Corbin-Mark helped organize Environmental Justice leaders to testify at the public hearings set up by the EPA in their rulemaking processes. He served as a member of the planning team and a moderator of a climate change panel for the first White House Forum on Environmental Justice. Mr. Corbin-Mark has served on former NY Governor David Paterson’s Renewable Energy Task Force as well as a Blue Ribbon Commission on Sustainability for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority