Recalibrating Our Economic Compass: Embracing Circularity for a Healthy Planet

January 23, 2024 – 11:15 am to 12:45 pm EST

Our world faces unprecedented environmental challenges and growing social inequities.
A better economic paradigm is no longer an option but an urgent necessity. The circular economy, a model that mimics nature’s cyclical patterns, offers a concrete path toward a sustainable and equitable future, ushering in an era of resource stewardship and prosperity.
Circularity concepts challenge the fundamental assumptions of our “take-make-dispose linear economic system.

The circular economy offers a sustainable, equitable, and regenerative economic model based on three fundamental principles:
Reducing material throughput: Using fewer resources in the first place. This means designing products to last longer, using recycled materials, and minimizing waste generation.
Closing loops: Keeping objects and materials in circulation for as long as possible. This means reusing, repairing, refurbishing objects, and recycling materials.
Regenerating natural systems: Restoring and enhancing the natural environment. This means reducing our impact on the environment and supporting the regeneration of natural resources.

The transition to a circular economy will require a fundamental change in how we design, produce, use, and dispose of goods and services and view our place on the planet. This requires unprecedented collaboration among businesses, governments, and consumer-users.
Join the Security and Sustainability Forum and Routledge to engage in a meaningful dialogue with three seminal circularity leaders about the future of our economy and how they are helping companies take full lifecycle responsibility for their materials of production.

Prepare to reimagine a world where economic growth aligns with planetary well-being and creates a just and sustainable future for all.
Walter Stahel
A pioneer in the circular economy field and founder of the Product Life Institute, Walter is widely credited with coining the term “circular economy” in the 1970s. His prolific work, including The Circular Economy – A Users Guide, has laid the foundation and first floors for a paradigm shift from the unsustainable linear model of “take-make-dispose” towards a circular one that emphasizes resource optimization, regeneration, and value preservation.
Sabine Oberhuber
Sabine is an economist; together with Thomas Rau, she cofounded Turntoo, one of the first companies in the world to focus on the transition to a circular economy. The pair also authored Material Matters – Developing Business for a Circular Economy. Sabine assists corporate clients and public institutions in developing and implementing circular business models and management strategies that facilitate the transition to a circular economy.
Thomas Rau“We cannot improve the world until we change the soul of our economic system.”

Thomas is an architect, entrepreneur, innovator, and leading thought leader on sustainability and the circular economy. The Dutch Architect of the Year in 2013 and winner of the ARC13 Oeuvre Award for his widespread contribution to promoting and realizing sustainable architecture and internationally delivered lectures, TV documentaries, TED talks, and publications.