Searching for the Wild in the Age of Man from Security & Sustainability Forum on Vimeo. Click here to access the slides

Wildlife and Development Haven’t Coexisted Well in the Past. Does it Have to Be That Way in the Future?
March 10, 2016 3:30 to 4:30 PM EST
Have humans really tamed every inch of the world? Despite more than 100 years of stewardship and protection from agencies like the National Park Service, America’s wild places are still vulnerable to commercial and residential land development. In the Grand Canyon, uranium mining and increasing rates of tourism not only threaten land and air quality, they also undermine a social balance that Native Americans and other local groups have worked hard to maintain. On March 10th, Jason Mark, editor-in-chief of SIERRA Magazine and author of Satellites in the High Country (Island Press) and Lucy Moore, environmental mediator and author of Common Ground on Hostile Turf (Island Press) discussed the importance of wild places in America and how stakeholders can work together to resolve their environmental disputes.
Meet the Panel

Jason Mark’s writings on the environment have appeared in The New York Times,, The Nation, and, among many other publications. He is the editor in chief of SIERRA magazine, was the longtime editor of Earth Island Journal, a quarterly magazine, and is a co-founder of San Francisco’s largest urban farm. Time has called him “a rebel with a cause.”

Interviewer: Since the late 1980s Lucy Moore has worked as a mediator, facilitator, trainer and consultant, specializing in natural resource and public policy disputes. She continues to work, as Lucy Moore Associates, with a diverse group of colleagues on both regional and national cases, often with a multi-cultural or tribal component. She has a credibility and depth of experience in Indian country rare in conflict resolution practitioners. Lucy regularly mentors those who might otherwise not have access to her field, believing that the future health of the profession depends on its diversity and accessibility.