Fri, May 29, 2015 1:15 PM – 2:45 PM EDT
LightSpeed Solutions and LightWorks at Arizona State University (ASU) hosted The Future of Sustainable Fuels Forum, a free four session webinar series, to engage all stakeholders (researchers, policy makers, vehicle manufacturers, fuel producers and users) in online conversations about the future of transportation fuel production and use.
Webinar 1 focused on major themes relevant to the future of sustainable transportation fuels and set the stage for subsequent webinars. Why is research and development of more fuel production options critical? How do we decide on making these investments? What incentives are needed?
The Future of Sustainable Transportation Fuels – Webinar 1: Anchoring Themes from Security & Sustainability Forum on Vimeo.
Sustainable Transportation Fuels Webinar – Anchoring Themes Final Presentation Slides
- Moderator Dr. Gary Dirks is the Director of the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability of LightWorks, an Arizona State University initiative.Before joining ASU, he was the President of BP Asia Pacific and the President of BP China
- Dr. Paul Bryan consults actively in conventional and renewable fuels & chemicals technology and teaches chemical engineering part-time as a Lecturer at UC-Berkeley. Most recently, he spent 4 years as Chevron’s VP for Biofuels Technology, then managed the Department of Energy’s Biomass Program now the Bioenergy Technologies Office)
- Sharon Burke is a senior advisor at the New America Foundation where she focuses on international security and the security implications of energy, climate change
- Dr. Kathryn Clay is the Vice President for Policy Strategy at the American Gas Association driving thought-leadership on natural gas utility demand growth. She served as a member of the professional staff of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.
- Dr. Michael Tamor, a Henry Ford Technical Fellow, Energy Systems and Sustainability, Ford Research and Advanced Engineering. Since 1982, he has been in a variety of senior research leadership positions in the firm from vehicle technology development to global electrification, renewable fuel and energy systems research.
LightSpeed Solutions and LightWorks at Arizona State University (ASU) are hosting The Future of Sustainable Transportation Fuels Forum, a free four-session webinar series, to engage all stakeholders (researchers, policy makers, vehicle manufacturers, fuel producers and users) in online conversations about the future of transportation fuel production and use.
The goal of this four-part webinar series is to open up the conversation to more fuel production options, with a focus on what actions, in the 5 to 20 year time frame, might accelerate the transition toward sustainability, increase the economic efficiency of that transition, and minimize barriers that impede the transition or that make the transition more costly.
The four-part series started May 29th and continued monthly. Join the Future of Transportation Fuels LinkedIn Group to engage in the discussion.