Tidal and Sea Level Rise Flooding – Actionable intelligence for local communities and the neighborhoods that they serve

Click here for PDF on Tidal and Sea Level RisingFinal slides


This webinar focused on how to effectively communicate coastal climate risks to homeowners, businesses and governments in order to make them better prepared and more resilient to floods. The panel will address tidal and storm flood issues, as well as sea-level rise and the use of innovative data tools to predict and prepare for extreme weather events in coastal communities. A recently released NOAA report based on data collected from tide stations across the U.S. over the last 50 years warns that major portions of coastal areas are at greater risk for more frequent storm surges this winter, in part due to the strengthening El Nino weather effect.

During the webinar, leading experts in the fields of risk communication, flood modeling, and real-time data systems for preparedness discussed the current state of the art for new technologies that can help coastal communities adapt to floods and minimize damage from storms. The panel explored innovative ways to employ social science-based strategies to powerfully communicate coastal climate risks.

Using -Living- Flood Maps to Prepare Coastal Communities from Security & Sustainability Forum on Vimeo.

Peter Williams, IBM’s Chief Technology Officer for Green Innovation

Heidi Stiller, Human Dimensions Specialist, NOAA Office for Coastal Management

Keren Bolter, Research Coordinator, Florida Atlantic University Center for Environmental Studies

Loren Hurst, Loren Hurst is a strategic communications professional with over 25 years of experience in public diplomacy, government relations, and digital communications.