Thursday, May 14, 2020 – 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm EDT
First of an ASU Webinar Series on Extreme Heat
Extreme heat is a hazard to human health and well-being. The health impacts of extreme heat are dependent on individual coping capacity, personal-to-city-level heat mitigation strategies, and access to cooling infrastructure, among other complex factors. Current and future conditions of extreme heat disproportionately impact communities that are already facing inequities. This webinar addresses current research and applications on human health and extreme heat at the individual, community, and city levels and provides climate action guidance to city leaders, practitioners, and the public. Panelists will assess additional burdens and risks resulting from COVID -19.
Watch the Security and Sustainability Forum, Arizona State University’s School of Sustainability, and panelists in a discussion based on the latest research.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/1j0o47hojkuwo56/May%2014.Covid%20and%20Heat.base%20deck.JB.PS.MG.pdf?dl=0 link to the PDF slides
![]() Juli Trtanj |
Juli Trtanj is responsible for developing and implementing the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Health Strategy across NOAA and with other federal, state, local and international Agencies, academic and private sector partners. She is leading efforts to build the National Integrated Heat Health Information System (NIHHIS) in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control, FEMA, OSHA, NIOSH, ASPR, EPA and other agencies. She coordinates the NOAA One Health Working Group which brings together NOAA data, research, information and actions to inform health decision making. She started the first multidisciplinary and multi-partner research program on Climate Variability and Human Health. She developed and directed NOAA’s Oceans and Human Health Initiative focused on Early Warning Systems, Health Benefits from the Sea, and Graduate Training. Ms. Trtanj co-chairs the US Global Change Research Program, Climate Change and Human Health Group (CCHHG) and represents NOAA on the Pandemic Prediction and Forecasting Science and Technology Working Group. She an author on the Fourth National Climate Assessment, served on the Steering Committee of the USGCRP Climate and Health Assessment and was a Convening Lead Author for the Water-Related Illness chapter. She is the Integrated Information System for Health Lead for the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), and is directly involved with the World Health Organization (WHO), and other partners in the development of the Integrated Information Systems for heat, cholera and other water-related illnesses. She has contributed to, reviewed, or edited sections of several IPCC and US National Climate Assessment reports and authored several book chapters and journal articles. |
![]() Patricia Solís |
Patricia Solís, PhD, is Executive Director of the Knowledge Exchange for Resilience at Arizona State University, a campus-wide effort to link community needs with research innovations, managed in the College of Arts and Sciences. She also holds research faculty privileges in the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning. She is Co-Founder and Director of YouthMappers, a consortium of more than 120 universities in 38 countries that creates and uses open spatial data for humanitarian and development needs in collaboration with the United States Agency for International Development. Prior to joining ASU, she was Co-Director of the Center for Geospatial Technology at Texas Tech University and Research Associate Professor of Geography in the Department of Geosciences and affiliated with the TTU Climate Science Center. She served as Deputy Director and Director of Research at the American Association of Geographers. |
![]() Melissa Guardado |
Melissa Guardaro is an assistant research professor in the Julie Ann Wrigley Global institute of Sustainability at Arizona State University and works for the Healthy Urban Environments Initiative (HUE) and Knowledge Exchange for Resilience (KER). Her research focuses on adaptation, equity, vulnerability, urban policy, and governance for the mitigation and adaptation to extreme heat and urban heat island effects. She is currently working with the City of Phoenix to formulate a comprehensive heat reduction strategy, and with The Nature Conservancy, the Maricopa County Health Department, and community-based organizations to create neighborhood heat solutions that improve thermal comfort and public health outcomes, especially during extreme heat events. |