Orginally aired on May 28, 2020 – 1:15 PM to 2:15 PM
Where Do We Go From Here? Peer Into the Future for Society and the Planet. – A New SSF Webinar Series
Futurist Hazel Henderson, the founder of Ethical Markets, has been a transformative thinker, science policy advisor, global systems analyst, author of many books, and a sustainability activist for more than 50 years. Her colleagues and collaborators from around the world are among the most influential sustainability leaders of our time. Watch Hazel and the Security and Sustainability Forum’s Ed Saltzberg in a series of discussions with Hazel’s friends as we peer into the future of what can become a more resilient and sustainable society that values, protects and harmonizes with Earth’s living biosphere and provides for the well-being of all of the human family.
WEBINAR 3 Sixty Minutes with Hazel and Frances Moore Lappé – about the fallacy of food scarcity, aresponsible government, and food security lessons from the pandemic.
Futurist Hazel Henderson, founder of Ethical Markets, has been a transformative thinker, science policy advisor, global systems analyst, author of many books, and a sustainability activist for more than 50 years. Her colleagues and collaborators from around the world are among the most influential sustainability leaders of our time.

Frances Moore Lappé is a researcher and author in the area of food and democracy policy and co-founder of the Small Planet Institute. She is the author of 19 books, including the three-million-copy selling 1971 Diet for a Small Planet that the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History describes as “one of the most influential political tracts of the times.” The fiftieth-anniversary edition will be released in 2021.
Frances is the co-founder of three national organizations that explore the roots of hunger, poverty and environmental crises, as well as solutions now emerging worldwide through what she calls Living Democracy.