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Aired on Oct. 15, 2013 1:15 PM to 2:15 PM EST
PlaNYC is the plan released by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg in 2007 to prepare the City for one million more residents, strengthen the economy, combat climate change, and enhance the quality of life for all New Yorkers.
As NYC’s Chief Urban Designer, Alexandros Washburn plays a lead role in implementing PlaNYC. He brings incredible experience to the job.

An architect by training, Alex was the public works advisor on Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s staff in the 1990′s where he learned about design as a tool in both building cities and working with citizens. He contends that civic virtue is critical in getting stakeholder consensus that PlaNYC is better for neighborhoods, better for developers and makes cities more resilient.
In this 60 minute online conversation with Alexandros, I was joined by Antioch University New England’s Department of Environmental Studies Director, Michael Simpson, to lead the interview.
Check out The Nature of Urban Design – a New York perspective on resilience by Alexandros Washburn. It is hot off the press from Island Press (5SSF gets you a 20% discount).
Alex lays the foundations, in the book, for a new approach to design that will help cities to prosper in an uncertain future. He asks his readers to consider how cities shape communities. It is the strength of our communities, he argues, that will determine how we respond to crises like Hurricane Sandy, whose flood waters he watched from his home in Red Hook, Brooklyn.
Download the A Conversation with NYC’s Chief Urban Designer Alexandros Washburn pdf.