Community Engagement on Climate Response Decisions – The COAST Model

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Originally aired March 19, 2013

COAST (Coastal Adaptation to Sea level rise Tool), is innovative  technical tool, but its primary added value is in how it is used. The COAST approach connects technical results with the social, political, and economic realities of local adaptation, in a way that empowers stakeholders to actively engage in discussions about their future.

Samuel Merrill, professor at the Muske School of Public Service at the University of Southern Maine, and President of Catalysis Adaptation Partners explains how the tool works and uses case studies to illustrate how it has helped communities to make decisions about risk mitigation.

Jonathan “J.T.” Lockman, Vice President of Environmental Planning with Catalysis, takes a more in depth look at a case study and peaks to some of the more technical aspects of the tool.

The team then answer audience questions, ranging from how communities fund planning and facilitation associated with COAST (which is soon to be publicly available) to the types of options communities consider and how to include underserved populations in the discussion.

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