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Aired on 8/20/2015
The second webinar in our series on the Food, Water, Energy Nexus was held on August 20th. The webinar examined drought in the Southwestern United States. The session, co hosted with the School of Sustainability at Arizona State University, focused primarily on California as a harbinger for other regions of the United States and the globe. It specifically examined the water policies of the past, present and future, and their impact on water supply, used including agriculture and society overall. Panelists included scientists and policy analysts with the California Water Board, National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Pacific Institute.
Dr. David White, an associate professor in the Arizona State University (ASU) School of Community Resources and Development, led the webinar. He is also the Director of the National Science Foundation’s Decision Center for a Desert City, which studies water-management decisions in the face of growing climatic uncertainty in central Arizona.
Dr. White was joined by
- Max Gomberg, the climate change advisor to the California Water Resources Control Board, where he has helped to develop emergency water conservation regulations among other initiatives.
- Dr. Ben Cook, an Adjunct Associate Research Scientist at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies and a leading expert on mega droughts
- Ms. Heather Cooley, Co Director of Pacific Institute’s Water Program.
Subsequent webinars in the series will be scheduled through the Fall.