Originally aired November 16, 2010
Download the Water Resource Awareness slide deck.
An expert panel of practitioners describes an inter-organizational, community-based effort to raise water resource awareness and watershed literacy across student and adult populations with program offerings for middle school students, leadership training for high school students, undergraduate and graduate internships and work experiences, and public water-themed special events that educate and entertain.

Panelists discuss collaborative mechanisms to leverage resources, and techniques for reaching larger audiences and communities regarding our nation’s water resource challenges, and share lessons learned in their successes and failures.
Dr. Patty Hagen,Executive Director, The Audubon Center at Riverlands moderates the discussion between:
- Kimberly Rea, Director of Interpretive Services, Rivers Project, US Army Corps of Engineers;
- Marcia Lochmann, Director, Office of Sustainability, Lewis & Clark Community College; and
- Rebecca Steiner, Environmental Educator, National Great Rivers Research and Education Center
View the webinar here –> https://app.easywebvideo.com/56ab7646