Structuring Sustainability: What Would a Professional Certification Look Like?

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Originally aired February 19, 2013, Co-produced by the International Society of Sustainability Professionals (ISSP)

Re-examining professional certification in sustainability, the session looks at several options for structuring such a certification. Panelists describe several differing structural options found in other professional certification schemes, and then discuss how these might inform the selection of an optimal format for a professional certification in sustainability.

Moderator Ira Feldman, President of greentrack strategies, and member of the ISSP management team and board of directors, hosts:

  • Elisa Kahn, Director, Credentialing, with the Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI), who is responsible for the development, maintenance and delivery of the family of LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) professional exams.
  • Ron Leighton, ASLA’s Director of Education and Academic Affairs, who is responsible for continuing education programs and materials and has worked with the Council on Education and the Landscape Architectural Accreditation Board to establish, review, accredit, and grow educational programs for the profession.
  • Bill Meffert, who manages the Georgia Institute of Technology Energy and Sustainability Services group and oversees the development, transfer, and adoption of energy and environmental innovations and best practices for industry and business.
  • K.J. McCorry, founder of eco-officiency, which offers sustainability consulting services to small and medium businesses. Specializing in sustainability planning, assessments and employee training; she is an author, entrepreneur, Sustainability Practices faculty and LEED Sustainability Council member at the University of Colorado.

The question of professional sustainability certification has many aspects, which ISSP is exploring in various organized discussions over the coming months.  ISSP will be conducting general conversations at their May 8-10 conference in Chicago, distributing certification drafts for comment and convening a multi-stakeholder group to draft final documents. Please send any inquiries about the overall certification scheme development process to ISSP Executive Director Marsha Willard at