Movement & Field Building – Climate Justice & Adaptation from Security & Sustainability Forum on Vimeo.
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Originally Aired On 6/4/2018
Arizona State University’s School of Sustainability, with the American Society of Adaptation Professionals and the University of the District of Columbia’s College of Agriculture, Urban Sustainability and Environmental Sciences, is hosting a new five-webinar series — “Climate Change Adaptation & Resilience Leadership Series”.
This is the third webinar in the series and focuses on climate justice. The costs of taking climate action and the benefits of resilience-building must be equitably shared. We can use climate action to minimize harm, maximize options, and build power for oppressed and underrepresented people and communities.
In this webinar, hear from champions of climate justice who are ensuring that adaptation action creates adaptation equity. This session is moderated by Elizabeth Graffy, Professor of Practice at the Arizona State University’s Center for Science, Policy & Outcomes and a Senior Sustainability Scientist at the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability. Subsequent webinars address Innovations in Climate Solutions and Climate Justice and Adaptation plus other timely and impactful subjects.

Melissa Deas, Georgetown Climate Center analyst working to center equity in adaptation strategies

Jacqui Patterson, Environmental and Climate Justice Program Director, NAACP

Shamar Bibbins, Senior Program Officer, The Kresge Foundation

The webinar is moderated by Elisabeth Graffy, Professor of Practice at Arizona State University’s School for the Future of Innovation in Society. Elisa was also the moderator for the first two webinars in this series.